This is my life thus far, there have been changes some good some bad but in the end I like who I've become or maybe its who I have always been.
-Hungry: I think I have lost and gained weight so many times in one week which is not good by the way. Its not that I'm not eating and its not that I am over eating it just seems that when I am hungry there isn't food and when I'm full there's an abundance.
-Tired: No matter how many hours of sleep I manage to get I still feel exhausted, whether its 10 hours or 5 hours I still can't manage to find that refreshing "I am awake" feeling anymore.
-Thirsty: Well I just discovered that I am serverely dehydrated (symptoms include: killer headaches [all the time], nausea, light headiness...and more) which all of the symptoms I was just so lucky to endure...YAY. <- sarcasm of course.
-Fashionable: I feel as a person who loves anything to do with fashion, I have really expanded my horizons and am starting to make my way into becoming a true fashionista :)
-Crafty: For some reason I feel this way, im not sure why but i do. I guess its because i've been becoming more and more active on my blogs and I have been really buckling down and not putting things aside for later which is great.
-Decision-y?: I know that's not in any way shape or form a real word but that's how i feel. I have been changing and changing what I wanted to be when I grow up since I was a kid and now I'm still changing it but I feel I've struck gold lately with my decisions.
-Unhealthy- Hopefully I'll buckle down and change this one, but lately I dont feel that way I used to feel, im getting older and building more and more unhealthy habits which are seeming to be harder and harder to break!
-Working: I now have two jobs one of which I love a million times more than the other, but who actually has a chance to say that they love where they work? Well now I do and im happy to say no matter how much it may seem hard and I may feel like theres no way for me to go on, I can. So go me for that one!
Well to sum up my boringly worded blog post of which no one will actually read, I am making changes and walking the walk instead of talking the talk. Remember "THE ONLY WAY THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE OR GET BETTER IS BY YOU MAKING THE FIRST STEP" "AND IT WILL GET BETTER, THOUGH SOMETIMES IT MAY TAKE TIME:BUT IT WILL" <- just wanted to leave my non exsistent readers with a few wise words.
Bye for now :)
peace and love.