Literally tryna get a hold of my feelings before I FREAK OUT ON PEOPLE. [my finger accidentally hit the caps button, but I feel it was only right that it stays]
Today just does not seem to be my day. *side note* I am probably gonna keep this short cause I am basically just venting.
Heres everything that is going wrong in list format:
-This annoying ass song is playing and I need something else, but I am to lazy to change it!
-The people in my class keep looking at me like I am stupid when I am the one who actually knows ANYTHING about our major!!
-Okay this song is turning out to be okay right now
-There are two stink bugs in my apartment and I AM FREAKING OUT!!
-The garlic water won't spray in my little sprayer thingy
-My computers going to die
*side note* classical music is playing and I am typing along with the beat, I FEEL LIKE A COMPOSER! [this is my destiny] Okay it stopped, now life is boring again! lol
-I messed up what I was gonna say when I was acting in class
Things that are going right in life:
-I am Acing all of my classes
-Getting that extra credit done!
-And getting that extra extra credit done!
-Beyonce came on *feeling like a BAD ASS BITCH*
-I cooked and am ready to go home and eat
-I got to act
-Updated my Tumblr
Got to go, class is starting again!
Bye, beautiful people of the internet!
Peace and love,