So it has been about four years since I had a relationship. And I know what you're thinking "omg call the nearest guy to come date her!" But don't fret...
(side note: I was in my moms dirt basement doing laundry and she complained to me how I shouldn't be in the basement etc. Well I pleaded my case (and won) about how its cooler down there than the third floor where my room is. And I was sitting down there listening to music, enjoying my victory and writing this blog when THE HUGEST BUG, ABOUT THE SIZE OF A RAT DARTED UNDER SOME BOXES OUT OF THE CORNER OF MY EYE. I nearly peed myself o.0 I think it was a thousand legger. But if my mother asks I left cause I needed to charge my phone not because that thing nearly stopped my heart...I feel itchy :/ no more basement for me EVER! :End side note)
any who, dont fret cause during those four years, I hated dating! Anything that remotely had to do with relationships I was disregarding and putting down. But now I'm ready to eat every bad word that I said about dating!
I bet you're wondering how such a hardcore believer of the stupidity of dating could suddenly just change her mind. His name will remain untold in case of accidentally discovering my blog. But he's what seems to be unreal.... he speaks another language, has a really good job, a good head on his shoulder, plays the piano, sings, has the same religious beliefs as me, is an absolute goof ball: need I say more. Ha well because of this mysyery man I've come to a road block even bigger than the first: COLLEGE! More on this heart and head breaking topic later;) (side note) it smells like poop, closing the windows lol (end side note)
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