Tuesday, December 20, 2011

my addictions

I am a shoeholic, volleyballholic, purseholic, shoppingholic, and many more things. Well i cant really help my addictions but i just love fashion and shopping though i dont really do it that much because i like having money in my bank :]. I cant help my love for shoes, from heels to sneakers to anything, i think i mostly like the feeling of being... pretty. I dont know what it is about it but going to another place and having people compliment you brings a sort of joy to my day !

Actually, i went shopping yesterday and bought some things which has been F O R E V E R since i set foot inside a mall and i realized how much i miss it. So i came up with this brilliant idea of every week ill take 10 percent of my paycheck and put it in a seperate account and once a month ill take that money and go shopping.         What do you guys think? Good idea or horrible? im not sure which way i should lean my vote because after taking a quick peek inside Forever 21, Wet Seal, Deb, H & M and so many more stores. I realized that i was missing out on the sales and the shopping experience :] (its pretty sad how im trying to convinve myself this is a good idea) But enough talk of shopping before im tempted to buy things online.

My second addiction, Ahh ... sweet , sweet volleyball, how i love you so. I have always had a love for volleyball but it wasnt until last year that i started to play on a team and im HOOKED ! i cant stop. Its like a magnetic field pulling me towards the court. Though i do need to work on my serving since its not persistent. :/ Though one day ill get it and when i do... LOOK OUT OLYMPICS here i come (is volleyball in the olympics
) man thats sad i love the sport but couldnt tell you if its in the olympics.

These are just some of the things that i enjoy doing and being addicted to :]

peace and blessings :]

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