Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tomorrow it is.

So it is 9:16am and I'm sitting in my jammies thinking and going on facebook. When I realize that tomorrow at 4:00am I will be heading off to college where I will stay and live for a year of my life. And even as I type it, it still seems somewhat unreal.

Hopefully everything will go well and I will have a blast and learn a lot of course haha. But my tummy is yelling at me so I must go and silence it!

I'll try to update this more and hopefully my fashion blog as well lol (especially since I'm getting a new computer!!)

Well peace and love,


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New hair, new college, new boy?

Well since it has been far too long since I've updated this thing, I think its about time :)

Well I leave for college in t minus 5 days (I've always wanted to say that haha)! And I'm absolutely, positively excited!! Even though it will be a hard and new experience of sharing a room with a girl i don't know for the next year. Also I was lucky enough to get special permission to move in a day early so guess who's picking the room with the biggest closet haha

Also I got a new hair cut and I'm really liking it! It suits me well and a lot of other people like it also. Maybe I'll post a pic :)

And too update you on my non existent love life, my adorable boss gave me the advice of asking him out or for his number and when I did he completely ignored me. I guess that's good tho cause at least I can go to college with a clear heart and mind now!

Well my cats bugging me to pet her so peace and love!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The anticipation that kills

With the beach two days away and college in thirteen, I'm not sure how much longer I can endure this anticipation!

I feel like I want college to be happening right now! But honestly I'm not so sure. In my life (and probably in everyone's) they've had "checkpoints" or so to speak.

For me it was "man I Can't wait to be ten! The big one oh, first time in the double digits :)" then came the, "man when I'm eleven I'll be a PRE TEEN!" (Probably one of the coolest things to be haha) then I got into the teenage years and was raving over turning sixteen. Not only because I thought I was gonna have some raving party but also I'll be able to drive!! As all these check points come about, I realize that college just feels like another to add to the list.

I'm not sure if I'm actually excited or if I'm going along with the normalcy of college.

I don't know, peace and love.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I am sorry. I just want to apologize in advance to any Pittsburgh natives. I have nothing personal against Pittsburgh or its crappy football team... (well maybe I have something against the Steelers ... lol)

Well I start college in this Steelers loving town soon. And all of the days before filling out my application here my admissions lady was telling me how great it is there, and how great the fashion is. So me being the optimistic person that I am went in with an open heart and mind.... and came out with disappointment and pity.

I was disappointed because the fashion was crap!! (me being optimistic: maybe everyone was having a dress down day ... EVERY SINGLE PERSON THERE!!!) Not only will I have to dig to the deepest depths to find ANY inspiration there, none of my roommates are fashion majors. Maybe I'll be blessed with a well dressed roommate, maybe the heavens will take pity on me. (Being that I'm surrounded by Steelers everywhere!!!)

Also, my time there will be filled with pain because my one roommate who called me is the complete opposite of my personality! I am sarcastic and blunt but in a funny loving way lol. And she is about as dry and borning and formal as I DONT KNOW WHAT! But if you think of something to compare please let me know. And the funny part about her formality is that she's from new york (my home town and love!!) although sadly to say she's from upstate new York and had not set a polished toe in my neighborhood. But I digress, she didn't want to get to know me she was right to business about this stupid list!!

And since I have now arrived at the topic of the list, I had planned to just buy all of my own items. For example, my own cups, bowls, iron and ironing board etc. Because the way I see it is that regardless of whether or not I buy it now or next year when I get a new dorm room I'm gonna need those items. Or better yet, when I graduate and get my first apartment I'm gonna need those things so why not have me buy it now and call it a day. I'm gonna need cups, plates, ironing boards and etc then so why wouldn't I get it now. And also, when I leave to get a new dorm my cups and plates are going with me, if I bought it its leaving with me end of story!

Well I'm done ranting I guess, wish me luck with these people. (Side note: I DON'T REALLY LIKE FEMALES OR HANGING OUT WITH THEM hopefully this doesn't turn into a mini version of bad girls club; nahh they're to boring lol) (sorry to my roommates if we do become friends and you don't try to steal my stuff and we actually get along...)

Oh more on my bet and my love life soon, I didn't forget :)

Peace and love,


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bugs the size of rats and possibly a boy ;)

So it has been about four years since I had a relationship. And I know what you're thinking "omg call the nearest guy to come date her!" But don't fret...

(side note: I was in my moms dirt basement doing laundry and she complained to me how I shouldn't be in the basement etc. Well I pleaded my case (and won) about how its cooler down there than the third floor where my room is. And I was sitting down there listening to music, enjoying my victory and writing this blog when THE HUGEST BUG, ABOUT THE SIZE OF A RAT DARTED UNDER SOME BOXES OUT OF THE CORNER OF MY EYE. I nearly peed myself o.0 I think it was a thousand legger. But if my mother asks I left cause I needed to charge my phone not because that thing nearly stopped my heart...I feel itchy :/ no more basement for me EVER! :End side note)

any who, dont fret cause during those four years, I hated dating! Anything that remotely had to do with relationships I was disregarding and putting down. But now I'm ready to eat every bad word that I said about dating!

I bet you're wondering how such a hardcore believer of the stupidity of dating could suddenly just change her mind. His name will remain untold in case of accidentally discovering my blog. But he's what seems to be unreal.... he speaks another language, has a really good job, a good head on his shoulder, plays the piano, sings, has the same religious beliefs as me, is an absolute goof ball: need I say more. Ha well because of this mysyery man I've come to a road block even bigger than the first: COLLEGE! More on this heart and head breaking topic later;) (side note) it smells like poop, closing the windows lol (end side note)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A late night realization

So I'm sitting here on my aunts couch at 1:48 in the morning singing to myself and realizing just how blessed I am. I have a come a long way as a person and i realize now how far left I have to go, and honestly I'm not as afraid as what I would have imagined myself to be.

Just last year I would of loathed taking pictures: and I still have to remind myself that the camera is my friend and that I don't have to be frightened by it. But now I'm posting up pictures like there is no tomorrow and asking everyone I see to take a picture with me...only if I know them of course haha
I have made a lot of friends and relstionships with people that I hope to last a lifetime. And now I get to begin a new chapter in my life. This one will be called college ....

Sincerely, oni.

Peace and love.